Thursday 28 June 2012

All Things Rise To Pass

My mumma would say...

Its a beautiful mantra often floating through my mind.
There is a sense of relief in these words for me...letting me know that nothing is permanent. 
So my intention today is to allow any feeling or thought both negative or be felt!
Im going to try not to react but simply observe.
I have come to realise that keeping it real and honouring my emotions...(by not avoiding or putting a veil on for others) Is another opportunity for me to heal and grow.
A wise spirited woman once said to me that you have to "feel it to heal it".
This resonated strongly with me...


Bring on the growth Im up for expanding!!!!

Universe, help me to feel safe with whatever  emotion I am feeling today...may I generate a deep trust  that all things rise to pass...and know I am supported and loved always..and only ever given what I can handle.Universe,when It gets tough help me to remember...Im just chipping away at the dirt to reveal the beautiful diamond.

Peace, Love and Light.

x Vanessa

Track for the day is by Bruce Cockburn-
"Wandering where the Lions are."
Happy Listening.

 Check this...

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